How do I request to cancel my booking?

In the unfortunate circumstance that you need to cancel your booking, please follow the below procedure:

  1. Please log in to your TourRadar account and navigate to the 'Tours'' section.

    1. Tours
  2.  From there, select 'Manage Booking'

  3. And proceed by clicking 'Modify Booking

  4. Within the modification options, you have the flexibility to adjust your travel dates, opt to retain your funds as credit for a future tour, or submit a request for cancellation.

  5. In the case of choosing cancellation, you will be prompted to review and accept the operator's specified cancellation terms and conditions before processing the cancellation.

  6. Upon initiating a cancellation request, the operator will send you a message on your Booking Conversation Page mentioning the applicable cancellation fees.

  7. The cancellation process will be executed, and any eligible refund will be processed promptly.

  • Alternatively, you can also reach out to the operator by sending a message via your Booking Conversation Page to inquire about cancellation. They will promptly respond within forty-eight working hours, providing you with information regarding the applicable cancellation fees. 

Your proactive communication is greatly appreciated.
