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  2. Travel Credits & TourRadar savings

How do I view my Travel Credits?

Viewing your Travel Credits on TourRadar is quick and straightforward. Here’s how you can see your current balance:

Accessing your Travel Credits

  • Start by logging into your TourRadar account. Once logged in, your accumulated Travel Credits will be prominently displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the webpage.
  • For a more detailed view, click on the drop-down menu and select "My Account."

  • On your account page, look for your Travel Credits. They will be showcased within a blue box, located at the upper right-hand corner of the webpage.
  • When making a new booking, you can also view your Travel Credits under the 'TourRadar Savings' section of the booking page. This section will provide detailed information on how much credit you can apply to the specific tour you are booking.
These steps ensure you are always informed about your Travel Credits, helping you make the best use of them for future travel adventures.