Is the Tour I'm Interested in Available?

  • Each tour page features a dedicated "Dates & Availability" section, facilitating easy access to information about the dates when the tour is offered. Navigating through the tour details page will lead you to the "Dates & Availability" section.

  • Alternatively, you can utilize the 'Check Availability' button for swift access:

Στιγμιότυπο οθόνης 2023-09-21, 08.15.40

Should the desired date not be displayed, it signifies that the tour operator is either not scheduling the tour for that particular date or, in the case of future dates, the schedule may not have been finalized yet.

  • To acquire accurate information about future dates, we encourage you to employ the "Ask A Question" button on the tour page. This enables you to directly communicate with the operator and inquire about the anticipated release of their upcoming schedules.

Στιγμιότυπο οθόνης 2023-09-21, 09.22.55

  • In instances where the date you are seeking is visible, clicking on the intended travel date 'Confirm Dates' button often reveals more comprehensive availability details on the Booking page:
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Στιγμιότυπο οθόνης 2023-09-21, 10.06.29

It is important to acknowledge that availability is not always 100% accurate, as travelers make bookings, reservations, and cancellations.

To ensure securing your preferred date, we recommend placing a hold if you are not yet prepared to proceed with the booking. This precautionary measure prevents the potential depletion of your preferred date due to high demand.

It is worth noting, however, that the option for a 48-hour hold may not be universally available for all adventure offerings.