If I cancel my booking, will I receive a refund?

Whether you can get a refund after canceling depends on the cancellation fees set by the tour operator.

TourRadar follows the terms and conditions set by the adventure operator, which you accepted when you made your booking

For example, if the cancellation fees amount to 50%, your refund will be 50% of the total cost. Typically, deposits are non-refundable, and additional cancellation fees are based on how close you are to your departure date at the time of cancellation.

Importantly, TourRadar does not impose any additional cancellation fees and will promptly process applicable refunds according to the outlined terms in case of cancellation.

We strongly recommend obtaining travel insurance, as it may cover non-refundable fees in case of cancellation. It's essential to carefully review and understand the coverage provided by your cancellation policy when selecting your travel insurance. This proactive step can offer added peace of mind and financial protection throughout your travel experience.

Should a refund be applicable, TourRadar will initiate the refund process. We will credit the funds back to the original payment method once the tour operator confirms the cancellation on their end.

Should you seek information on locating the tour operator's terms and conditions, please refer to the 'Where can I find the adventure operator’s terms and conditions?' article.