How can I cancel or replace a traveler from my booking?

⚠️ In the event that you need to cancel or replace a traveler from your booking, it's important to follow the proper procedure and avoid making direct modifications to traveler details within the booking conversation page.

  • If a situation arises where a traveler must be replaced, it will be necessary to contact the tour operator to facilitate the replacement process, by sending them a message through your Booking Conversation Page:

Στιγμιότυπο οθόνης 2023-09-21, 11.46.46

  • It's important to note that certain tour operators may have pre-arranged services associated with the existing passengers, such as internal flights or permits for activities like Gorilla Trekking or the Inca Trail. Consequently, there could be associated costs for updating the traveler information. To proceed, we recommend reaching out to the tour operator with a message on your booking conversation page!

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  • Upon receiving your message, the tour operator will provide guidance on the process for updating the passenger's information. This will include information about whether the update can be made without charge or if a nominal amendment fee applies. Additionally, in case any further traveler details are required for the booking (such as passport details, nationality, etc.), the tour operator will follow up accordingly. Your proactive communication in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Conversely, if you intend to maintain your booking but need to cancel one or more individuals, you will need to communicate this by sending a message through your Booking Conversation Page.

It's essential to note that cancellation fees, as outlined in the operator's terms and conditions, will be applicable.