Yes, you can add multiple users to an already existing Travel Advisor account, in fact, we recommend this if you work as part of the same company/team. Each company will have an "Admin" who has created the account. The admin will be able to add new users to their host agency:
1. When logged into their Agent Portal, the admin can click on Users and click Add New Users:2. You have two options when inviting a new user to your account:
- Invite the new user through an email invite Fill out all the relevant details and select if the new user should receive Admin rights on the account or just be able to make bookings as a Travel Advisor.
- Share an invite link:
Upon sharing this link, the new user will be able to automatically register directly into your account:
3. Once the new travel advisor fills out their email address and a few profile details, they will receive an email where they choose their password to create their own account.