What is TourRadar's Best Price Guarantee?

TourRadar offers a Best Price Guarantee to ensure that you get the best deal possible when booking your tour.

Here’s what this guarantee entails and how you can take advantage of it:

  • Price match before booking:

    • If you find the same tour (with the same date, tour operator, and quoted in the same currency) at a lower price on another website, TourRadar will match that price. This ensures that you are getting the best possible deal at the time of your booking.
  • Conditions for price matching:

    • The price match guarantee is applicable only before you confirm your booking. It’s important to note that once your booking is confirmed, the price is locked in. This means the tour operator cannot apply any discounts retrospectively.

How to claim the Best Price Guarantee:

  • If you spot a lower price for the same tour elsewhere, you should contact TourRadar before confirming your booking. Provide details of the lower price, including where you found it, so that TourRadar can verify the price and adjust your booking cost accordingly.
  • For comprehensive details about what is covered under the Best Price Guarantee and how to make a claim, please visit the TourRadar website at TourRadar’s Best Price Guarantee.

This Best Price Guarantee is part of TourRadar’s commitment to ensuring that not only do you have a seamless and enjoyable booking experience but also that you receive the best price available for your tour.