How do I create Affiliate Links?

Creating affiliate links is a simple step-by-step process. 

  1. Navigate to the 'Affiliate Links' section in the Affiliate Partner Portal
  2. Choose between
    1. Links Overview, with pre-generated links to some of TourRadar's most popular destinations and adventure styles, or
    2. Generate Link, where you can choose your preferred TourRadar page or tour that you would like to promote.
  3. If you choose the 'Links Overview' simply copy the link and paste it on your website, blog, or social channels. (**Your unique UTM partner tracking code will automatically be added)
  4. If you want to create your own specific links go to 'Generate Link'. Go to and search for any page you want to promote on your platform. Once you have found it, copy the URL of the page and paste it into the designated section.
  5. (Optional) Campaign Tracking: Choose a campaign name for various links you create so you can compare and track which link has generated the most traffic to optimize for your clients.
  6. The last step is to simply Copy your uniquely generated link and embed it (**again your unique UTM partner tracking code will automatically be added)