Can minors travel alone on tours?

At TourRadar, the safety and well-being of our travelers are paramount. As such, individuals under 18 years old are not permitted to travel alone on the tours.

  • Safety and supervision: Traveling alone requires a degree of independence and decision-making that might not be suitable for minors, especially in unfamiliar environments or during challenging situations.

  • Legal and policy requirements: For safety and legal reasons, many of our travel operators require minors to be accompanied by a responsible adult or guardian. These policies are in place to ensure that all travelers have the support they need and that the highest standards of care are maintained throughout the trip.

  • The benefits of companion travel: While we recognize that solo travel can be a transformative experience, these age restrictions are specifically designed to protect and ensure the well-being of young travelers. For those under 18 looking to explore the world, we recommend traveling with an adult family member or friends. This arrangement not only complies with travel regulations but also ensures a secure and enjoyable travel experience.

By adhering to these guidelines, we aim to provide a safe and enriching environment for all travelers, helping everyone have a memorable and fulfilling adventure.