How do I cancel a booking made by someone else?

To cancel a booking where you're not the lead traveler, there are specific guidelines that must be followed to ensure the security and confidentiality of the booking details.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Lead traveler must initiate cancellation:

    • Only the lead traveler, the individual who originally made the booking, is authorized to initiate a cancellation request. This is to ensure that the cancellation is authorized and to protect the integrity of the booking details.
  • Request cancellation via the Booking Conversation Page:

    • The lead traveler should log into their TourRadar account and navigate to the Booking Conversation Page. From there, they can submit a formal cancellation request.

If you are not the lead traveler:

  • Contact the lead traveler:

    • If you are not the lead traveler but need the booking to be canceled, you must contact the lead traveler and request that they initiate the cancellation. Explain the situation and provide any necessary information that may assist them in deciding to cancel.
  • Communication with Customer Support:

    • While the lead traveler is the only one who can formally request a cancellation, you can still reach out to TourRadar’s Customer Support for general inquiries or assistance. Our support team can guide the process but will not be able to process the cancellation without authorization from the lead traveler.

Contact options:

For any questions or further assistance, both the lead traveler and other members of the travel party can contact our Customer Support team via online chat or phone. This can be particularly useful if you need clarification on the process or assistance with accessing the Booking Conversation Page.

This protocol is in place to protect the personal and financial details associated with the booking. It ensures that all cancellations are handled securely and that all parties' interests are safeguarded.

    By adhering to these guidelines, the cancellation process remains secure, clear, and efficient for all parties involved. Always ensure that the lead traveler is informed and ready to act on the cancellation to streamline the process.