1. Customer Help Center
  2. Travel insurance
  3. XCover by Cover Genius insurance after booking

Can I add additional travelers to my existing insurance policy?

If you need to add additional travelers to your existing insurance policy, the process will vary depending on your specific circumstances, particularly relating to the cooling-off period:

Within the cooling-off period:

  • Cancellation and reissue: You can cancel your existing policy without penalty during the cooling-off period. After cancellation, request a new quote that includes all travelers. Please note that after booking, only Comprehensive Protection is available.
  • Procedure: We cannot provide an exact quote until the original policy is canceled to ensure accuracy. Once canceled, the policy cannot be reinstated. After cancellation, you will receive a new quote for a policy that includes all travelers.

Outside the cooling-off period or if not cancelling:

  • No coverage for new travelers: If you are outside the cooling-off period or choose not to cancel the existing policy, additional travelers cannot be added to the policy. They will need to seek separate insurance coverage.


For new travelers not covered by the initial policy, we recommend securing separate insurance to ensure comprehensive coverage for their needs.


Contact TourRadar's Customer Support team if you have any questions or need guidance. We are here to help ensure you have the best possible insurance coverage for your needs.

This approach ensures that all travelers can have the necessary insurance coverage, whether through modifying an existing policy within the allowable period or obtaining new, separate coverage as needed.