Are internal flights included in the tour price?

You can easily find if your tour includes internal or domestic flights by checking the 'What's Included' section on the tour page.

Στιγμιότυπο οθόνης 2023-09-21, 15.40.39


If you need more information or if this section doesn't answer your question, feel free to use the 'Ask a Question' feature on our website to contact the tour operator directly. This allows you to get specific details directly from the source.

Στιγμιότυπο οθόνης 2023-09-21, 13.46.02


In cases where internal flights are not included in the tour package, the tour operator can assist you in selecting the right flights to purchase and even help you with the booking process. Additionally, when booking your tour, you may have the option to add internal flights to your itinerary if they are not automatically included. This can be done through the booking page, ensuring that all parts of your travel are managed in one place.